King James Version:
Rejoice evermore...Pray without ceasing...In every thing give thanks...for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Badass Believer Version:
Live-Large...Talk with the Mighty-ONE all the time...Give Thanks Relentlessly...because GOD dispatched our Brother JC take the bullet meant for You. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
I can think of no better verse on the eve of Thanksgiving than the one above. As we approach this holiday, I challenge you to consider ALL that God has done for you and to take the time to truly THANK Him. In VICTORY, or in tough circumstances, you and I MUST remember that it's God that gives us LIFE, with the ability to CHOOSE on what and on whom we truly depend. Choosing God first, is in fact, Thanking HIM.
Most importantly, He sent His only Son to DIE that we might have life eternal, and real FREEDOM on earth while we're here. As a child of God, no matter what you face, the good, the bad, or the ugly, slow down, look up, and FIND the blessing in it; He ALWAYS has our BACKS, be confident of THAT!
Finally, this holiday season can be a lonely time for many, so stay ALERT for those around you that NEED to START their relationship with God --- BE ready to share YOUR story of Faith --- which may actually be the greatest way to say Thank-You to our God.